“Empty Vessel”—Prompts Inspired by Taylor Franson-Thiel

Note that this poem has a content warning for religious violence / trauma.

Here is such a beautiful poem that weaves facts with the religious and the personal that I now have to find more poems by the poet and to read issues of Stone Circle Review, which published the poem. Here is the poem’s link in the journal: https://stonecirclereview.com/hymn-for-a-faith-crisis/

For the first prompt, replicate the poem’s structure by referencing a recent scientific study in the first stanza but with the stanza’s last line introducing the image/concept developed in the second stanza. The second stanza weaves that new concept with imagery of the body and/or religious themes. The third stanza builds upon those themes, making sure that imagery or language from the scientific study is included. The fourth stanza continues the imagery and themes but also includes specific definitions or scripture. End the poem with a couplet.

The second prompt is a writing exercise only as it would be too similar to the original. Use the poem’s structure and wording as is but replacing the poet’s nouns with your own. However, you could see if any of the revised lines call to you and use one of them as the first line to a poem or story. Make sure your poem has a completely different structure—both in stanzas and individuals lines—though.

The third prompt is to use “How as a child you, an empty vessel, were filled” as ghostline, the first line of a poem or story that you complete and then erase. Remember to credit the poet for your inspiration.

Another prompt is to write a poem or story using the following list of words: “clouds,” “staircase,” “arrow,” “nape,” “fingerprints,” “pearls,” “vessel,” “stripped,” “vacant,” “interpret,” “temple” and “breath.”

The last prompt is to use the image “You grow a granite staircase up your spine” as either a ghostline or as the title of your poem, making sure the poet is credited.

And perhaps because of my own upbringing and background, I see an angel in the clouds and also a pissed off Victorian lady. For a bonus prompt, write epistle (a letter in verse) to her.

Bonus bonus prompt: for a play on the word “vessel” write a poem or story about a boat or ship.

Good luck! Have fun!