Muppet Time!—Prompts Inspired by Aruni Wijesinghe

I got to see this poem develop in a workshop and utterly love it. Btw, it is included in Aruni’s book 2 Revere Place, published by Moon Tide Press,

For the first prompt, take a muppet or beloved children’s character and write a thoroughly modern, realistic story or poem—perhaps a sonnet, hey!— about that character. Provide clues throughout but leaving the most obvious one for the final stanza or paragraph.

The second prompt is to write a poem or story that starts with a Mad Lib of the line “On Sesame Street, love wears striped sweaters,” but replacing the street and “striped sweaters” with your own. See where it takes you.

The third prompts is write a list poem detailing “small moments of awkward intimacy.”

The next prompt is taken from Emma Bolden, another fabulous poet, in which you write a poem or story based on a famous movie that now has muppets.

Or throw in a muppet anywhere you like:

And the final prompt: pair a human character from a TV show, movie or book with a muppet, or with you as a muppet.

Good luck writing! Have fun!