Gentleness—Prompts Inspired by Heather Swan

Short post despite the delay—I am having difficulty concentrating on anything but my mom’s upcoming surgery. Every day is a stone to carry.

Btw, Joseph Fasano is a great person to follow on Twitter (while it lasts) for his lovely poetry threads.

For the first prompt, write a description of a scene from nature, or perhaps an intimate moment in your home, to build up to the point you want to leave the reader with.

The second prompt is to use the following word list to create a love poem that never uses the word “love”: “bend,” “spine,” “rests,” “leaves,” “floats,” “sways,” “upright,” “opening,” “burden” and “breaking.”

The last prompt is to use the lines “If it could always / be like this” as a ghostline. Remember to erase the lines and credit the poet for your inspiration.

Good luck writing!