The Loneliest Whale in the World—Prompt for the 52 Hertz Whale

We all feel alone at times—as if the words we speak fall to the ground the moment they leave our lips or the gestures and signs we make always seem unseen in a dark cloud surrounding us. Some days we feel as if the language we use is understood by no one else in the world, and we will spend our days and the years in solitary wandering.

A whale whose song is at a frequency heard by no other whales was first discovered in 1989 and has remained alone ever since. Listen to narrator of this YouTube video wonder if the whale finds his existence one of welcome solitude or aching isolation. Btw, I found this video on Facebook, shared by Tresha Faye Haefner and Robbi Nester.

For your prompt, write a monologue from the whale.


Bonus prompt: answer the whale’s call. What would you sing in reply?