CPSC.gov Gives a Wild Ride—Prompts

So I normally think of our government agencies as stodgy, and then I discovered the Twitter account of the US Consumer Product Safety Commission…and my world upended.

The first prompt is an ekphrastic challenge. Write what you see. Include some interpretation if you prefer. Best wishes.

For the second prompt, write a monologue from the person/anthropomorphic cat/unknowable entity in charge of this Twitter account. Or if that is too difficult, write a poem simply describing the cubicle and desk of this person/fox-knight kitty/alien creature.

Btw, you too can follow @USCPSC on Twitter.


Bonus prompt: describe hanging out with your Enchanted Scorpion. What movies do the two of you binge?


Please do one of these prompts and share. Would LOVE to read your poem!

Good luck!