Burning—Prompts Inspired by Rae Armantrout

Short post today as my brain is a wooly sheep lost on a hillside, and a short poem for a short post!

For the first prompt, begin with an image that in a separate stanza that connects to an emotion. If you wish, follow the format of this poem by inserting a time indicator as a separate line/stanza or with the third stanza that gives speaker’s emotion. Use a famous quote. Make your last line reinterpret the quote and refer to the emotion and image described in previous stanzas.

The second prompt is to write a list poem of burning images. End with a famous quote, perhaps this one by Emerson or another of your choice.

Using “having nowhere to go, persists” as a ghostline for a poem or short story. Remember to erase the line afterwards and credit the poet.

The final prompt is write a poem or story using the following words: “blown,” “end,” “stem,” “lamp,” “blend,” “longing,” “persists,” “star,” and “burns.” Notice how much of the poem consists of one-syllable words. If you want an additional exercise, switch these words with polysyllabic synonyms where possible.

For a bonus prompt, write a poem or story based on this photo but alternate the settings or perspectives to explore how fireworks, rockets explosions, in the night can be celebrations or attacks. If possible shift from differing perspectives or settings to explore that duality.

Good luck! Have fun writing!