Earth Day—Prompt and Poem from Jared Beloff

I love this poem and the prompt. Jared Beloff is a wonderful poet to read and to listen to at readings. I still haven’t gotten his book Who Will Cradle Your Head, although it is on my to-buy list. You can buy it and read individual poems on his website (listed below).

Btw, I have really enjoyed all the poems and prompts posted by Moist Poetry Journal.

For a second prompt, write a poem or story starting from the line “our hands swooping” (or rather the image). As with all ghostlines, erase the line and credit the poet for your inspiration.

A third prompt is to write a love poem or story using the following words “kept,” “pockets,” “sprinkle,” “bare,” “curve,” “rustle,” “skin” and “song.”

Bonus prompt: write about a moment under skies filled with birds and their cries. Connect their flight, the sounds of flapping and calls to your own emotional state.

Good luck writing! Have fun!