Waiting—Prompts Inspired by Nomi Stone

So much of healthcare and the act of caring involves waiting and holding—for an appointment, for results, for a cure, for someone to come back to you in their own time or to hold on and wait just one more day to leave.

At such transitional moments, time oozes along the spinal column, dragging its shambling mass and tentacles across the back and chest until we bend under the weight. Waiting is hard on all who love, but we have our clocks and calendars for compass, while other creatures have their own internal guidance systems. I hope you enjoy Nomi Stone’s “Waiting for Happiness” as much as I did, particularly its opening lines.

The first prompt is to begin and end with the perspective of another creature, a pet or a wild creature, with the narrator echoing the action or emotion in the middle section.

For the second prompt, create a list poem of signs that you (or the narrator) is missing someone. What do you do when the longing hits and you have no choice but to wait?

The third prompt is to use “Here we are in our bodies, ripe as” as a ghostline. Remember to erase the line and credit the poet.

Lastly, choose a time—5:00 or midnight or perhaps the moment you are happy—to describe. Is it when you pull into your driveway, the moment you can finally slip off your shoes, the soft meow you hear when you open the door, the thudding of children’s footsteps in the hall, or the feel of your lover’s shoulder next to yours on the couch? Give this time a density, a texture that you can feel in either a poem or as the setting for a story.

Good luck writing and loving. Have fun!