For My Mother—Prompts Inspired by Wanda Coleman

I missed last Sunday’s post. I was in the hospital visiting both my dad and my mom. Both of them are in poor health and there have been scares, but this time it was Mom who had to be brought back. Like with my dad three years ago, it doesn’t feel real that she was almost gone, that the hands that held ice to a bee sting or checked my forehead for fever would still.

I think if she goes, he will soon follow, that the boy and girl who started going steady in the fifth grade, bickered and dated all through middle school and high school, and climbed into the other’s hospital bed for comfort wouldn’t be without the other for long.

I know not everyone has a mother and father who gave them what they needed but thought I understood my good luck: I was wrong.

I cannot describe the last few days as well as this poem by Wanda Coleman. I hope you enjoy this poem too.

For the first prompt, describe the “realm children go” in either a poem or short story.

The next prompt is to use “when it will be the only coin i possess with which to buy peace of mind” as a ghostline. Remember to erase the line and credit the poet.

The last prompt is to write about a parent or loved one, listing all the ways you want to remember them, to tether them to this world.

Bonus prompt: who shines within the lonely nights of your mind as you try to comfort yourself to sleep.

Good luck writing and holding onto your loved ones.