A Post About Not Posting and a Random Generator of Threats—Stolen Twitter Prompt

As you probably noticed, it has been weeks since I posted anything. Partly this is due stressing myself out because I promised to promote friends’ work—I often perform best when I care the least. Mostly though, I am not writing or even reading. I simply did not have any creativity or motivation. These days feel as if I am eating Saltines in the Sahara—dry, very dry.

Last night’s virtual reading helped—thank you, Eric Morago for Shout—I once again experienced the shiver from hearing a powerful poem. I even managed to write a (bad) poem this morning. This coming week, I will being posting regularly again. But baby steps. So here is a stolen Twitter prompt:


Write a poem or short story using the generator.


You will of course want to expand the poem and give credit to the generator if you wish to publish what you’ve written.

Below is a bonus ekphrastic prompt:
