
It’s Adventure Time and Other People’s Prompts

My brain hurts, and I have no idea what I will write for either a prompt or for a poem (so far I’ve kept up with writing a poem a day). To save some of my gray matter (more like dryer lint at this point), I am going to share prompts from other people.

The first prompt is from a roleplaying adventure, but it could work for a fun story or poem—definitely will create a steamy scene (sorry, not sorry).

This prompt below is from Kelli Russell Agodon, whose poetry is beautiful.

2. Write about a poem about a superhero coming to your house and confronting you about something. Somewhere in the poem, you have to state what your superpower is.

For the full thirty prompts posted (which include word lists, a twist on a family recipe and various line restrictions and other constraints), check out her website: https://www.agodon.com/uploads/2/9/4/3/2943768/writing_prompts_by_kelli_russell_agodon.pdf

But if you want another adventure prompt, here is Dice Company to the rescue:

Of course you can always change the stagecoach to a motorcycle and the Bag of Holding to a purse or backpack to make the prompt less fantasy-like for your own writing. Or you could make it more surreal: chased by a deep regret, describe what you throw to help you escape or to finally sate its hunger: your abandoned manuscript runs after you, pages flapping madly, and you throw pencils and ink pens at it until its pages bleed blue. Or something even weirder.

You could use a random generator for a fantasy location and describe it in a story or poem, applying it to your own life if possible.

I definitely could describe myself wandering around a medical center today, late for multiple appointments.

For the next prompt, imagining yourself as a castle, describe the person for whom you’d lower your drawbridge. How would you let the person in?

Moving from castles to forts, personify your own or a former lover’s defenses and boundaries but gradually shift the warlike framing to one of gardening and tending. See what happens as you shift the terminology.

And for the final prompt: Write a story or poem based on this image of group of people/the tunnel.

Good luck! Have fun!

“Graveyard of suns”—Prompts Inspired by Lara Coley

We are at the midpoint of 30/30! I hope you are enjoying the process of writing, if not daily, then more often than usual. Or if you are someone who already writes daily: wonderful!

Such beautiful lines in this poem by Lara Coley, I hope they will inspire your next poem or story. Here is the link if you are interested in her book: https://buttonpoetry.com/product/ex-traction/.

For the first prompt, use the first line “You are disappearing into the shadows of the past” for a ghostline. Remember to erase this line and give credit to the poet for the inspiration.

The second prompt is to imagine all of your body as territory staked to a current partner, former lovers, a child, a pet or even the sun or a plant. Perhaps your lap is designated to a cat, your left hand to pet a dog, your cheeks to redden in the sun. How do the different owners navigate your borders?

For the third prompt, write a poem or story using the following list: “shadows,” “darkness,” “mangled,” “ghosts,” “flesh,” “stake,” “luminous,” “whispering,” “graveyard” and “shine.”

The last prompt is to create a list poem of graveyards. Who or what is buried there? What characterizes each? Which will you go to when it is time?

Good luck writing! Have fun!

Create Your Own Historical Event—Prompts

The artist Eric Pape painted a battle—a naval battle at Gloucester—that never took place. Write a poem or story about a battle or war or some other historical event that could have—but did not—happen.

Bonus prompt: write an ekphrastic poem or story from Eric Pape’s painting.

Good luck writing today! Have fun!

An Ant Farm Full of You—Prompt by Todd Dillard and Poem by Russell Edson

I know I’ve already posted a prompt by Todd Dillard, but I had so much fun writing a poem from this one, and I adore the sample poem he provided. I think this prompt would work for flash fiction too.

Here is the full poem by Russell Edson.

Good luck writing! Have fun with yourself!

Sex and Syntax—Prompt and Poem from Corinne Walsh

Alas, I added the “Sex” for the sound effect and to attract attention, although it does seem wrong to post a poem and a prompt from Moist Poetry Journal that doesn’t have sex.

I love poems that play with syntax and repetition so that just a few words can take on multiple meanings, so I definitely wanted to share both the poem and the prompt. Btw, Moist Poetry Journal is posting other paired poems and prompts this month. Check it out: https://moistpoetryjournal.com/tag/prompt/

If you would like another example, I wrote a poem in which I broke and rearranged three sentences from a prompt given by Cathy Lin Che, a wonderful writer and workshop facilitator. Here is a screenshot of it from Variety Pack.

Good luck with writing! Have fun breaking lines and repeating yourself!

“little knives”—Prompts Inspired by and by Rachel McKibbens

I was excited to learn that Rachel McKibbens is writing daily prompts for this April. I loved the previous prompts she has posted on her blog, http://rachelmckibbens.blogspot.com/. In fact her prompt 104# on the site is a great one if you are stuck.

I wanted to share this poem, which I love. Here is the link if you wish to listen to her read it: https://poets.org/poem/remember-boys. Her books—blud, Into the Dark & Emptying Field and Pink Elephant—are ones that I turn to again and again.

For the first prompt, write a poem or story about the group you wanted to join and why.

The second prompt is a to use the lines “How different would I be, / how much bigger, if I had been _____ as the start of your poem or story. As with all ghostlines, remember to erase the lines and credit the poet for your inspiration.

A third prompt is to use the following words from the “Remember the Boys” to write your own poem or story: “nest,” “hum,” “sting,” “knives,’ “crawl,” “storm,” “gospel,” “flinch,” “room” and “terror.”

Below is a prompt on Instagram from the poet. Be sure to follow her for more prompts.

Bonus prompt: write an ekphrastic poem or story from the photo below.

Good luck writing this month! Have fun!

Know This—Prompts Inspired by Kelly Grace Thomas Vojdani

I love poems that originate from an obscure (to me) fact, and this wonderful poem is no exception (I admit that I am biased though—I think her poetry collection Boat Burned and the individual poems I’ve read are all fantastic).

For the first prompt, take a random/obscure fact—perhaps that it is illegal to get an elephant drunk in the city of Natchez, MS—and build a poem or story from that.

The second prompt is to use a factual statement as a title of a poem or story (“There Are No Stop Signs in Paris”) and the first line/sentence as a result (“So cars and silk-scarved women savor time like it’s theirs”) with all subsequent lines expanding upon the results with concrete details (even if there isn’t a direct correlation).

For a third prompt, use “I remembered what it meant to / call hunger mine” for your first line and go from there. Remember to erase the line and credit the poet for your inspiration. Or if you prefer, use the line for your title, still crediting the poet.

The next prompt is to write a poem or short story using the following words from the poem: “silk,” “savor,” “coast,” “lipstick,” “suitcase,” “hunger, “cost,” “flute,” “drag” and “glittering.”

Instead of the absence of signs, let’s move to descriptive (or ominous) signs.

Bonus prompt: write an ekphrastic poem or story based on one (or both) of these photos of bathroom signs.

Good luck writing! Have fun with facts today (or with signs)!

“It’s the End of the World”—Prompts for the Eclipse

…and I feel fine.” The world did not end, but when has that ever stopped a good conspiracy theory? Let’s celebrate all those eclipse apocalypse theories in a poem or short story. Or create your own!

I’ll start first: write a poem or story about a plane flying through the moon and knocking out the sun (courtesy of Bobby Goddin’s photo above).

For the second prompt, write a religious conspiracy theory. This cartoon may get you started, or at least you could write about what you win!

You cannot spell conspiracy and crypto without the letter “C”! Write your own crypto/AI/NFT/techno-bs scam of your own! Bonus points for including Elno Muskrat!

How about an ophthalmologist and US education conspiracy? Don’t forget multiple states allow creationism/intelligent design to be taught in public schools! Yay!

If conspiracies and scams don’t inspire you, how about a nice persona poem from either the moon or the sun. Or write an ekphrastic poem or story of Hannah Hillam’s drawing.

And the final prompt (apocalypse pun intended) is to write about the moon-made-of-cheese conspiracy (perhaps now melted cheese). Bonus points for including Wallace and Gromit. I love that the European Space Agency was my first search result for Wallace and Gromit and the moon made of cheese.

Good luck writing today! Have fun (and some cheese and crackers!)

Poets & Writers Poetry Prompt Inspired by Jessica Abughattas

How is the first week of poems coming? Oof, a little rough for me, which does not bode well for the rest of the month. Here is a prompt from Poets & Writers, which posts weekly fiction and creative non-fiction prompts, in addition to poetry prompts, throughout the year). Here is the link for the latest poetry prompt: https://www.pw.org/writing-prompts-exercises.

While this prompt is similar to a previous one I posted (that one inspired by Beth Marquez who also structured the poem using a repeated “because”), its focus is on what is not said than the anaphora itself.

Here is “Litany for My Father“ by Jessica Abughattas. Check out other great poets and poems at Split This Rock, https://www.splitthisrock.org/poetry-database.

For a second prompt, use one of the lines, perhaps “Because home is too far for the scent of,” for the first line of your poem and go from there. Remember to erase the line and credit the poet for your inspiration with an “after Jessica Abughattas,” or you can use “Ghostline from Jessica Abughattas” in your title if you prefer.

A third prompt is to write a story or poem from the following list: “search,” splayed,” “plastic,” “drive,” “quartz,” “scent,” “beads,” “carving” oven,” “penance” and “upturned.”

Bonus prompt: write a poem describing this old fort or a story in which this is the setting.

Good luck writing this month! Have fun!

Heavenly Foods—Prompts Inspired by Rudy Francisco

I hope you are all jumping in to 30/30 without trouble. I still have to write today’s poem and hope that this wonderful poem by Rudy Francisco can get me started (although I may just have to go to a local restaurant for the plantains instead).

For the first prompt, combine heaven with the comfort food you had as a child. Does it fall from the sky too, does it grow from trees, or is it served at the table with all the loved ones you’ve lost to time. What blessings do you ask for in heaven? What are you given?

The second prompt is Mad Libs writing exercise: replace the nouns and verbs with your own. Once finished, experiment with form: what happens when you break the lines into couplets, quatrains, etc. Remember that this will be likely be to close to the original but works as a beginning draft that you can rewrite (perhaps choosing one line from the exercise to build a new poem from for May, often the month of editing those 30/30 poems).

The third prompt is to create a poem from the following word list: “sky,” “afternoon,” “rain,” “burnt,” “cut,” “step,” “palms,” “buds,” “insides” and “hands.”

The last prompt is to describe what small decadent gift or strange ability you would ask God or some other divinity for. Don’t ask here for health or forgiveness or protection of loved ones or world peace, but for something tactile and gratifying, perhaps so absurd that only you would want that.

Bonus prompt: write a poem (or story) about this flower as a sentient being who begins speaking to you after your first sip of the draw.

Good luck with 30/30! Have fun!!!

The Stars under our Feet—Prompt from Rob Sturma (and Hillary Monaghan)

Thanks, Rob Sturma, for giving me the idea because I finally wrote a poem! Woohoo!

Do what you will with this information. I found this article—https://www.treehugger.com/star-sand-shows-natures-exquisite-attention-detail-4853691—particularly interesting, although I do not know its overall accuracy.

Btw, I will be trying to post weird facts, memes, animal photos and just strange things that might spark a poem.

Good luck writing this month! Have fun!

30/30 IS HERE!!!

It is the 30/30 challenge again! April is National Poetry Month, and the challenge is to write a poem every day for this month. NaPoWriMo.net posts prompts as well as participants’ poems. Check out this month’s prompts and poems as well as those from previous years. You can also submit your own website there to have your poems shared.

I will try to post websites and links to social media accounts that are posting daily prompts along with my own. I will try to post more prompts than usual but won’t put out a new prompt every day. Here is yesterday’s prompt from NapoWriMo.net:

The last couple of years I haven’t finished the challenge, although I have done so previously. I just have to remember that the goal is to write 30 poems, not 30 GOOD poems!

Here is your bonus prompt: write a poem about a moment when you felt yourself break through a period of indecision or blockage.

Good luck writing every day! Have fun!

Definitions—Prompts Inspired by Dorianne Laux

I am grateful to Tresha Faye Haefner (and Ella Braden) for sharing this gorgeous poem by Dorianne Laux.

For the first prompt, take a concrete object (as Laux did with wound) and write your own definition for it. Expand upon that definition as if giving multiple uses (as with “wound” as a “flower” and then a “fire” but circle back to connect the two.

The second prompt is a writing exercise: take this poem and change all the nouns (and the verbs in order to make sense). Now take the third sentence you’ve made to use or another one of your choosing (preferably a sentence in which you’ve changed the verbs) as the first line of a new poem. Do change the first line’s and the entire poem’s structure—break that sentence into separate sentences, the poem into couplets or other form. Be sure to credit the poet for your inspiration.

For the third prompt, take the poet’s “what becomes of us once we’ve been torn apart and returned to our future” for a question to answer in a poem or short story.

Write a poem or story using the following list of words from the poem: “descent,” “scent,” “war,” “torches,” “tinder,” “flame,” “hands,” “torn,” “naked” and “scar.” Try to switch the nouns to verbs and vice versa. As an added constraint, let the poem be a love poem or the story a romance.

The last prompt is to use the line “Say goodbye to disaster” as a title for a poem or story.

Good luck writing! Have fun!

Write Your Own Legend—Prompts Inspired by Brendan Constantine

As the dumpster fire of 2024 burns on, I find myself craving escapism in both my reading and writing, and this poem by Brendan Constantine is perfect for me (full disclosure: I always love his poems). If you want to listen to him read it and another poem published by The 2River View, here is the link: https://2river.org/2RView/28_3/poems/constantine.html. [I somehow lost the ability to add hyperlinks to text and use other features on my iPad, hence the delay.]

For the first prompt, write your own legend or fairytale about forgiveness. As here, leave the reader with some mystery.

Or, as in so much of fan fiction, take the thief here and write a poem or story to provide his backstory. Be sure to credit the poet for your inspiration.

The third prompt is to take the line “This time she did as she was told” as a ghostline to begin a new story. Don’t try to finish this story, but create your own, still giving credit to the poet for the starting line. Remember to erase the line, or alternatively, you could keep it as a title, again acknowledging the poet in with an “after Brendan Constantine.”

This next prompt is only an exercise: take this poem and replace the verbs and nouns with those of your own. Now take a line you’ve made in this exercise as the first line for a new poem or story. Be careful that you are not writing too close to the original.

A fourth prompt is to write a fairy tale for “when the world was” not “a forest.” What was the world then? A castle, a broken vase, a high-rise, driftwood, a calculator? Begin there.

The last prompt is to write a love poem or romantic story using the following words: “animal,” “body,” “build,” “storms,” “river,” “hold,” “firelight, “mask,” “touch” and “song.”

Bonus prompt: write about this image as fairytale, bleak warning, however you wish.

Or use this cartoon for inspiration instead.

Good luck writing! Have fun!

Reflecting on the Infinite: Prompts Inspired by Mary Ruefle

Today is the start of the new posting schedule—Mondays instead of Sundays (although I often was late). To celebrate my increased potential punctuality, let’s celebrate by starting off with the great Mary Ruefle’s “The Imperial Ambassador of the Infinite,” shared by Simeon Berry (a great poet to follow).

For the first prompt, create a list poem of images that remind you of a particular event. Let readers make the connection.

The second prompt is to use the lines “Except when I run away from home / by hiding under the bed” as a ghostline for a poem or the catalyst for a short story. Remember to erase the lines and credit the poet for your inspiration.

For the third, write a story or poem using the following words: “garden,” “shaded,” “held,” “smashed,” “street,” “loosed,” “mirror,” “drenched,” message,” “stoned” and “forever.”

A final prompt is to create a poem from images of broken objects interspersed with mentions of time and/or the infinite.

Bonus prompt: write a poem or short story based on this image.

Good luck writing! Have fun!

On the Boat—Prompts Inspired by Daniel McGinn

As you’ve noticed, I once again did not post a prompt on Sunday. I think it will be easier for me to post on Monday as Sundays are getting busier for now.

From poems about love to those about death, we are covering all the bases here! I’ve been meaning to post this wonderful poem by Daniel McGinn for a while. I love that it works both as an ekphrastic of the tarot card and as a persona poem of Charon from Greek mythology.

The first prompt is to draw a card from a tarot card deck and flip it over. Write a poem or story that incorporates the card’s imagery and symbolism but also incorporates a well-know character or story from mythology, literature or pop culture. If you prefer, you could combine the card with a current event.

For the second prompt, write about a place in which you “are almost there” / “were always there” in your memory or your dreams. This place can be a house that you lived in as a child, the pervasive forgot-you-had-an-assignment/test school dream, or a recurring dream of a place you have only imagined. What place do you always return?

The third prompt is to use the line “while my back is turned away” as a ghostline for a narrative poem or short story. Tell us what happens next.

For another prompt, build a poem or short story from the following word list: “map,” “need,” “carry,” “just,” “hangs,” “net,” “breath,” “back,” “iron” and “shore.” Try to switch nouns to verbs and vice versa.

The final prompt (pun intended) is to describe the “other shore” and create your own afterlife. What will you find when you reach the shore? Buildings, plants and welcoming loved ones? Dust and wind and a distant wailing? Or perhaps you would prefer to give vague hints from glimpses your narrator takes on the journey across.

Bonus prompt: write a poem or story with the photo above as your setting.

Good luck writing! Have fun!

Love Poems—Prompts Inspired by Paige Lewis

Love is such a powerful emotion but so difficult to convey uniquely. Love poems, their language and imagery, often are clichéd and stale especially if abstract and general. Rather than grand proclamations, small personal details often are more effective in showing the passion or caring in a relationship, as demonstrated so beautifully by Paige Lewis here. Btw, you can hear the poem read their poem on the site of the American Academy of Poets if you wish.

For the first prompt, write about a game or joke shared between you and a partner or between two characters. Use everyday language and description rather than metaphors or dramatic language. Avoid using the word “love” directly.

The second prompt is to write a story or poem using the following words: “paints,” “ties,” “corners,” “shadow,” “machine,” “game,” “stretch,” “bed,” “grips” and “kisses.” Try to switch the nouns for verbs and vice versa.

The third prompt does not need to create a love poem or story; just use the line “Our shadows get dirty just like anyone’s, so we take them” as a ghostline. See where it takes you. Remember to erase the line and credit the poet for the inspiration.

The last prompt is to use the line “and watch our shadows warm” for a horror-themed poem or story. Again remember to erase the ghostline and credit the poet.

Bonus prompt: write a poem based on this image.

Good luck writing! Have fun!

What Is a Sonnet or a Poem?—Prompts Inspired by Diane Seuss and Gatekeeping Trolls

Sorry for the delay but a busy week and a head full of fluff. So this post is in response to Twitter drama in which a poet who has elected herself gatekeeper for what is a sonnet or a poem directly attacked Diane Seuss for attention. I doubt I could respond as gracefully and as kindly as Diane Seuss did. Btw, her critic is also the same poet who proclaims erasures and centos are not poems, so while this poet is someone to ignore, asking what makes a poem a poem or a sonnet a sonnet is a good exercise for poets.

While the individual answers differ among poets and readers, most people know what a poem is even if they do not have specific criteria—perhaps it is density of language, rhythm (even if rhyme and meter aren’t needed for most people now) or simply a sense of awe or wonder from reading it. For me, adherence to a form or to accepted conventions is less important than the sense of wonder or surprise created in the reading or hearing of it. There are some poems that are fit all the requirements but are forgettable and others that push the boundaries in such a way that I don’t care if it is technically prose or poetry, I am lost in the world it created. What are your requirements or characteristics a piece of writing must have before you consider it a poem? Do you use the requirements/ingredients when you edit?

Some people have stricter requirements for a sonnet—must be fourteen lines in iambic pentameter in the Shakespearean or Italian/Petrarchan form. Contemporary poets such as Seuss and Terrence Hayes have moved the sonnet into new directs. Other poets, such as Donna Hilbert, have poems that feel like sonnets to me even though they do not consider them as such.

Note that the poem above has fourteen lines but certainly doesn’t follow the classical form. For many modern writers, the key requirement is the volta, or turn, in the poem. For me, there is such a turn in the poem where the narrator says, “what’s to be sad about” and then explains the reasons for sadness. I think on a quick, careless read, this poem could seem stream of consciousness without much craft (as described by another sour-ass gatekeeper), but the language is deliberate, with a thread running throughout and repetition carefully used. I have to admit I am biased though: reading Diane Seuss and getting to hear her read aloud brings me joy. I heartily recommend Still Life with Two Dead Peacocks and a Girl and frank: sonnets and plan to read her earlier collections.

For the first prompt, decide is required for a sonnet and write your own. Decide if you want to go full Petrarchan or modernize the form for yourself.

The second prompt is to write a poem to illustrating what “done for good” means to you.

The third prompt is to write about a “sad day / though not a tragic day.” Let the poem or story build from minor or not-so-minor inconveniences to what underlies most sorrow for you (or humanity in general) but overall keeping the specifics in.

The last prompt is to write a story or poem (a lament?) from the perspective of the taxidermied bear.

Bonus prompt: write about the real Elvis joining this group or what makes Elvis real as an archetype.

And just because I like this photo and the memory of that day with Don and my parents, here is a picture of a canal.

Good luck writing! Have fun!

Duly Noted—Prompts Inspired by Kristina Mahr

Because I often get stuck in my head, in the same cycle, subject matter, style or just the same poem in slight variations, I need a new form or process. I particularly love poems that incorporate the language or framework of another field or medium. Footnote poems particularly interest me, although my own attempts are messy and incomplete. Let’s turn to Kristina Mahr’s “Footnotes” for some direction.

Let’s follow Mahr’s process for the first prompt. Write a simple (seemingly uncontroversial) statement and then explain and justify your statement (and the previous footnote) as footnotes. See where this process takes you. You will need to credit the poet.

The second prompt is to take a statement about your life or a value judgment about yourself (e.g. I was a good mother) and argue for or against that statement in the footnotes. What is “good” in this context? My daughter and I discussed how different our criteria are for what makes someone a “good” driver: safety of course but safety through caution or through quick reflexes and handling of the car?

For the last prompt, write a love poem or breakup poem and use footnotes to attempt to define every abstract emotion with a concrete image.

Bonus prompt: write a short story or poem in which this house is the setting of a fairytale or myth.

Have fun! Good luck!

World of Poetry Reading Tomorrow!

I keep sneaking in with real poets. Seriously, all of these poets have books published in multiple languages and are scholars and Ambassadors of Peace, whereas I am researching Skyrim mod load lists even though I no longer have a console to play the game on (my kid has it). So come listen to all of these wonderful poets and see if a bouncer tosses me out.

As usual, I forgot to post the video to the Year Ending Poetry Fiesta reading on Uddan TV. Here is the YouTube link.

Hope to see you tomorrow! I will try to remember to post a link to the reading later in the week. Have a great night!