Memorial Day—Prompts Inspired by Amorak Huey

I hope you are having a good Memorial Day. Let’s celebrate with this poem by Amorak Huey. Ah, that ending is so fulfilling.

For the first prompt, reference a famous character from classical literature or pop culture in the title but do not refer to it again until near the end of the poem. Let the ending explain the connection between the original and your/narrator’s modern life.

The second prompt is to use the lines “We all want the same thing / from this world” as a ghostline. Remember to erase the line and credit the poet for the inspiration.

For the next prompt, describe an event you witnessed and create a metaphor for what that memory has become for you. Is it “wound, souvenir, / backstory” or something else? Is it the cracked window you see the world through, echo of your footsteps when you are alone in your house, the festering splinter you cannot seem to pull out?

And for the last prompt, write about someone you lost but can never let go.

Good luck writing!