Ekphrastic This—Prompts from the Wordless and Flaking

In spite of good intentions, I am behind on giving prompts during 30/30. Yikes! I will say that sun poisoning does not increase my productivity. If only I shed words onto a page in the same quantity as I am shedding skin. Or if I could molt my way into a more organized existence. Alas.

Since I am the equivalent of chaos in a beige cardigan, let’s start off by writing about a moment when stars do align, when the universe seems to dance to the tune you are singing in your head. And here is an actual alignment of the stars:

For the second prompt, write about a once-in-a-thousand-years event, and you were as witness. For an added constraint, make the focus of the poem on a trivial part of your day—what you ate, hello Pepys!

Bonus prompt: write a persona poem from this strangely muscular-legged bird.

Just a few more days! Keep on writing!

Or do what I do: get more than a week behind, write several shitty poems, and decide to finish sometime in May and then edit the crap out of them (or flush the really stinky ones). It’s all good.