An NPC Persona—Prompts Inspired by Shane Schick

Perhaps my favorite parts of video games—and the memes they create—are the quotes from NPCs, but I’d never considered how much of an NPC I must be in others’ lives—particularly that of my daughter—until reading this poem by Shane Schick.

For the first prompt, write yourself as an NPC in the video game of another’s life. Write a poem as the inn keeper/healing potion provider/task provider for your children. Bonus credit if you include well-known video game tasks/quests.

For a second prompt, write a poem or essay explaining a familiar comic book or video game character or trope and connect it to your own life (e.g. final boss) as the poet did here.

For the last prompt, write a persona poem or a flash fiction story for a game’s NPC. Choose your favorite. Run wild with your NPC’s backstory and conflict.

And, yes, I like fan fiction. A lot of writers learned their craft writing fan fiction, and writers become writers because they were inspired by others.

Have fun writing an adventure even if that quest line is your own life or set in another’s. Always give credit.

Bonus prompt: write story using this setting.