I feel as if I have finally succumbed to the meme of the photograph of wearing a t-shirt with a photo of myself wearing a t-shirt with a photo of myself wearing a t-shirt with a photo of myself wearing a t-shirt with a photo….
But I love this poem and the idea behind it. I too must point out every piece or instance of beauty I see as if the lack of acknowledgment will cause that flower or bird or tree or moth to disappear or shift the current timeline so that Finland really isn’t real or fade the part of me that notices such joys.
For your first prompt, use a line from Twitter, Facebook or other social media platform or from a meme as the first line of your poem or as a ghostline that you delete afterwards.
For the second prompt, use the statement “If you smell / smoke and don’t search for fire” or another one from the poem as a ghostline. Remember to delete the line and give credit to the poet.
For the next prompt, create your own series of “if”statements that builds to a breaking point, or create a series of if-then statements that defy current reality.
For the fourth prompt, chose several of these objects and/or creatures to interact with one another, or make one the narrator.
For the final prompt, write a poem using the following words from the poem: “past,” “point,” “shout,” “silence,” “find,” “pool,” “look,” “smoke,” “search,” and “tell” but try to switch the nouns to verbs and vice versa.
Bonus prompt: rewrite a myth into the vernacular and tone of a meme
And I just wanted to share that my plumeria finally bloomed!
It’s just a baby though…