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After—Prompts Inspired by Nikita Gill

Following Nikita Gill on Twitter (@nktgill) has led me to discover so many beautiful poems she’s shared. It seems perfect that another poet on Twitter shared a lovely one of hers.

I love so many of the lines in this poem, and the structure itself is fascinating: how much of it consists of threes (three “afters,” three “pains,” and three “ends.” For the first prompt, trying constructing a poem into three interconnecting sets of three concepts or images. Perhaps structure it almost like a novel as three beginning images (dawn, spring flower, etc.) followed by three conflicts (a fire, storm, or predator’s attack) and ending with images of night. See what happens.

For the second prompt, take one of the “after” lines: “What happens after we meet the light,” “After the grief ends,” or “After we walk into happiness” for a ghostline and jump off from there. What does happen? Create a place that you can touch and smell. Remember to erase the line but give credit to the poet for your inspiration with “After Nikita Gill” or similar acknowledgment.

For the last prompt, use “life promised to be a moving thing” as a ghostline for your starting point. Again, remove the line from your poem and credit the poet.

Bonus prompt: write a poem for the Luna moth I fished out of the Buffalo River too late to save. I did manage to rescue a bee and place it on the river bank.