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Ekphrastic Prompt Stolen from Chen Chen

Happy Sunday and happy 23rd day of 30! Let’s start the week (or celebrate the weekend) with a prompt from Chen Chen and write an ekphrastic poem.

For a second prompt, reimagine the world in which humans never left the oceans, that it is dolphins and other sea creatures who became our partners/helpers in civilization. Will we be kinder, wiser, or will be tool-wielding sharks?

For a third prompt, describe what creature you wish could carry you and where do you want to go.

So of course this painting made me think of Catbus of My Friend Totoro. So for another prompt, take a character from the movie and write a narrative poem from that character’s perspective.

And a bonus prompt:

Instead of the Knights of the Round Table, what group would meet around this table? Or make it an ekphrastic. Your choice. Rule wisely

Good luck and have fun!