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Rescue Attempts—Prompts Inspired by Daniella Toosie-Watson

Some of my favorite memories of my daughter are her attempts to rescue insects from drowning or falling. That impulse to save a helpless creature is perhaps what is best in us, or what we wish for ourselves as Daniella Toosie-Watson observes.

The first prompt is to think back to a time when you tried to rescue a creature and describe the event. Once you’ve finished, write from the perspective of the rescued. Intersperse those perspectives. See what happens.

For another prompt, use the line “To reach out and not imagine myself the” and finish it with something other than “God.” Make sure to italicize the line and credit the poet.

For the third prompt, use the first line “I couldn’t let it drown. I ripped off a piece” as a ghostline for the beginning of a poem or short story. Remember to erase the line and credit the poet.

The next prompt is to describe who or what you would save if you were God and how would you do so. The narrower your target probably the better.

This is a photo of a Luna moth I found floating in the Buffalo River on a windy day. I had managed to save a bee earlier, but the moth was already drowned. It was so beautiful I tried to preserve its body and took it home with me.

For your final prompt, write a poem or story about that same impulse, but replace the moth with another creature. See where it takes you (dark, dark places).

Good luck writing!